Thursday, August 21, 2008

How can I still make money online if I don't have any website

You have heard other people talking about on line marketing as an easy way to make some cash, but your programming skills leave a lot to be desired and you wouldn't know an html code if you fell over one. Is it, therefore, beyond the realms of possibility for you to successfully earn extra money marketing on line? Of course it isn't, anyone can do it! There are numerous on line methods of making money without actually having your own website. You can, for example, discover how to blog the way to your small fortune. Blogging, a website without the necessity of website skills usually gets updated every few days with posts about your chosen topics. Visitors to your blog are allowed to make comments on your posts for others to see. You can place advertising on your blog provided automatically by Google and you will receive payment whenever those advertisements are clicked upon.
You can also use your blog to sell products as an affiliate and you will be paid commission. The amount of commission is controlled by the owner of the product and is paid for each sale that comes about as a result of one of your visitors actually buying the product. The site Clickbank is used by thousands of product owners as a payment processor for any sales. It is free for affiliates to enrol and find products to consider for promotion on their blog. Blogger, LiveJournal, and WordPress, are a selection of the free sites where you can quickly and simply set your blog up. Choose a market niche you are knowledgeable with as the topic of your blog and then every few days post a comment on your blog. Of course, that's not entirely all there is to it. You have to draw people to look at your blog and hopefully click on the products you're promoting as an affiliate or on your paid advertisements. Most blog sites are search-able by keywords.
Search for the same words you used for your own website and you will find other blogs. Leave comments on relevant blogs not forgetting to include a link to your own blog. If you are short of time you can pay people to make comments on your behalf. The cost of this varies from 10 cents to $1.00 per posted comment. You can also submit your blog's url to search engines so if a person is requiring information on 'how to raise guppies' and that is the subject of your blog, it will show up for visitors to find. You could also write articles on 'how to raise guppies' and distribute those articles to directories. GoArticles and Ezinearticles are two directories favoured by Google.

Writing and Publishing Your First Blog Entry

Writing and Publishing Your First Blog EntryThe content of your blog is an important factor in gaining traffic and acquiring a target audience.
Publishing your first Article or item is a great milestone in your blogging career. Fortunately, there are several basic guidelines, which can make your content more effective to your audience, adored by the search engines and respected by the world of blogging.
Publishing an Effective Content
Before you begin to write anything on your blog, you should know who your target audience is and what they want. If you see these factors as irrelevant for your blog because your blog is not business oriented in any way, you must remember that if you want readers then these factors are really relevant.
Always remember that where there are readers there is something interesting to read. The only reason why people read is because they want something. If you really want to achieve some kind of massive readership, you must strive to make your content interesting and actually what readers want.
First of all, keep in mind that communication is the key. More so, your communication must be authentic. The time when you publish your content is also the time when you let your true self surface. Blogs are personal in nature and communication is the key to being personal. The fact that each blog is unique because each writer is unique is enough for you to not to worry about future similarities with other blog entries. Keep in mind that whatever topic you are blogging about you must incorporate your personality with your writing.
In order to create a loyal target audience, it is important for the visitors to trust you and relate to you. It does not necessarily entail that they know about your personal details but you must connect with your audience in an authentic manner.
After establishing your communication with your audience, the content must also be credible. The blog must have authenticity even though credibility takes a lot of time to build.
The moment you begin publishing your content, which is of high value and useful to the readers, you also start establishing your authority. There will come a time when your readers ask you for advice or seek for your opinion; this is the time when you have achieved some kind of credibility and you must use this to build your reputation as a blogger.
The Bloggers Block
Blogging is writing but uses a different medium. There are several methods to fight blogger’s block. Always remember that your blog software exists to serve you and not to frighten you. You do not have to try blogging carrying the idea that you have prolific writing skills, or a journalism degree. The fact is that you have something to say and you want others to hear it. However, if you are feeling stuck on an idea, there are several suggestions that you can apply when creating the content for your blog.

Points and tricks For Blog Marketing

There are numerous ways to get started. The first step you need to take is to put fresh, relevant content on your blog regularly. Use your keywords in the title of your posts and in the body. Be careful to not put so many keywords in that it will not make sense to the reader. Remember, you are writing for people also, not just the search engines. Having RSS feeds can be a great marketing tool. This will put your blog all over the internet and give you many links back to your site. The more links you have, the more popular you will appear to the search engines. People can subscribe to your blog's RSS feeds and put your blog post on their sites which will add to your links. You can also submit a site map to Google to let them know how often you are updating your blog. Your new pages will get into the search results faster as they will be indexed more quickly. You can go to Google Site Maps and they will give you step by step instructions on how to set this up. Link exchanges with relevant authority blogs and web sites will start getting your site noticed.
The higher the page rank of the linking sites the better. Most blog owners will be willing to exchange links as they are also trying to build traffic to their site. Overall, this strategy can be very beneficial as you may be reaching an untapped audience that may love to become a regular follower of your blog. Tracking is also important to show you where your visitors are coming from and also which keywords they searched to reach your blog.
This will show you your strong and your weak areas. Focus on the strong and you will see your traffic stats keep climbing. Article marketing is another good way to bring attention to your blog. Submitting articles to the article directories with a link to your blog in the author's bio should give you a good traffic boost. The higher the PR of the article directory the better. The only thing this will cost you is time. Make sure your articles are related to the subject of your blog or you will be defeating your purpose as the search engines and visitors following the link will be expecting to read more about what your article was about. Social bookmarking can also bring massive amounts of traffic if done correctly. It is getting more popular as people see the benefits of having the community decide the popularity and visibility of a site instead of just the search engines.
You can create an account and add your links, more or less listing your favorites that you can access at any time. Some of the more popular sites are Digg,, Technorati, Furl and StumbleUpon. There are many, many more. Do some research on social bookmarking and include this in your marketing campaign. Blog and ping are getting to be popular buzzwords. This is the fastest way to get your blog indexed. It doesn't cost a thing and can have the spiders crawling your site in no time. There are sites such as Technorati and Ping-O-Matic where you can put the URL of your blog and ping it every time you make a new post.